Audubon Colorado Council

Audbon Colorado Council (ACC) is a consortium of local Audubon Chapters in Colorado.  Representatives from each chapter meet four time per year - twice in face-to-face meetings and twice in phone-in meetings.  The intent is to talk about and consider action on topics of importance to birds on a statewide level.  Some national-level issues are also considered in how they effect Colorado birds and other wildlife.  The ACC has a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and four committees: Chapter Relations, Conservation, Water Task Force, and Public Policy.  For more information, visit their website at: or their Facebook page at:

The BCAS representative to the Audubon Colorado Council is Bruce Ackerman.  He can be reached at (727) 858-5857 or by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Minutes of past ACC meetings

October 1, 2016 Minutes

March 25, 2017 Minutes

January 6, 2018 Minutes

October 6, 2018 Minutes

A Colorado
Chapter of
the National
Audubon Society


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